
Showing posts from 2015

2 Australian southern right whales decided to hang out with this paddleboarder, and it was amazing.

We don't often get to see ginormous southern right whaleshanging out with humans. This might have something to do with the fact that we hunted them nearly to extinction. Or it could just be because our homes can't comfortably accommodate a 50-foot-long, 60-ton aquatic houseguest. Either/or. So it's easy to understand the excitement that filled local residents when they heard that a pair of these incredible leviathans were lounging right on the coast of Perth, Australia. Presumably, the whales were interested in checking out the surfing scene at Esperance's Fourth Beach. Whatever the reason for their casual beach trip, Jaimen Hudson headed down the footpath with his drone as soon he got word. He knew he had to capture the moment on camera. Southern right whales are just one of the many majestic animals that make their home in Australia.

Which countries are best (and worst) prepared for climate change.

The ND-GAIN Country Index, a project of the  University of Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index  (ND-GAIN), summarizes a country's vulnerability to climate change and other global challenges in combination with its readiness to improve resilience. It aims to help businesses and the public sector better prioritize investments for a more efficient response to the immediate global challenges ahead. Complete list  here . 

La Deuda Mundial en un Gráfico

Hace dos semanas publiqué La Economía Mundial en un Gráfico. Hoy os muestro una infografía similar de Visual Capitalist que detalla el reparto de los $ 60 billones (doce ceros) que hay de deuda pública mundial en un solo gráfico. También pone de relieve la relación Deuda-PIB de cada país por colores. Los datos son del FMI y sólo cubren la deuda gubernamental. Excluye la deuda de hogares y empresas. Todas las cifras están en USD. Si comparamos con La Economía Mundial en un Gráfico: Estados Unidos supone el 23,3% de la economía mundial, pero el 29,1% de la deuda mundial (relación Deuda-PIB del 103,4%). Japón representa sólo el 6,18% de la producción económica total, y el 19,99% de la deuda global. China, la segunda mayor economía del mundo (y la más grande según algunas mediciones), representa el 13,9% de la producción, pero sólo tienen el 6,25% de la deuda mundial (relación Deuda-PIB del 39,4%). Siete de los 15 países con mayor deuda total son europeos. Junto

This one map explains the entire worldwide economy

A new map by the folks at provides a fascinating perspective on the worldwide economy. The map represents each country relative to the size of its nominal gross domestic product, the type of GDP that is not adjusted for inflation. The larger the area, the larger the size of the economy. Each area is divided into three sectors — services, industrial, and agricultural — to visualize which industries contribute most to the country's GDP. The result is as follows: With a GDP upward of $17 trillion, the US comprises nearly a quarter of the world's economy. Using data from the CIA's World Factbook, determined that most of that comes from the service sector (79.7% compared with a global average of 63.6%). Agriculture and industry make up below-average portions of the economy (1.12% and 19.1% compared with averages of 5.9% and 30.5%). China, on the other hand, has struck more of a balance between its service and industrial sectors,

Google Doodle - Venezuela National Day 2015

Venezuela's landscape is an entrancing one. From tropical waters and the Andes in the north, to rich Amazonian forests in the south, the country’s geographic diversity is nothing less than dazzling. No wonder, then, that one of its national symbols is a stunning natural specimen, a microcosm of Venezuela’s kaleidoscopic coloring: the araguaney. Indigenous to the country, this tree’s leaves explode into shades of gold, similar to the bold yellow hue striped across the Venezuelan flag. With today’s Doodle, we celebrate the nature, culture and people that call Venezuela home on this Cinco de Julio, Venezuela’s day of independence.

Next Stop: Chamonix

Is a commune in the Haute-Savoie département in the Rhône-Alpes region in south-eastern France. It was the site of the first Winter Olympics in 1924. The commune's population of around 9,800 ranks 865th within the country of France. Chamonix is a winter sports resort town. As the highest European mountain west of Russia, Mont Blanc attracts mountain climbers. There is a cable car up to the 3,842 m (12,605 ft) Aiguille du Midi. Constructed in 1955, it was then the highest cable car in the world.

Summit Piedras Blancas, Venezuela

The Pico Piedras Blancas (also known as Misamán), at 4,748 metres, is the highest mountain of the Sierra de la Culata range in the Mérida State, and the fifth highest mountain in Venezuela. Its name, meaning "White Stones", is of doubted origin, since the massif is predominantly grey in color. Pico Piedras Blancas lacks glaciers, nevertheless, seasonal snowfalls may cover briefly its flanks. From its summit and under clear conditions, Lake Maracaibo is perfectly seen. One of the accesses to reach the base of the mountain, passes through the Mifafí Condor Reserve, which hosts some specimens of this andean bird.

Cerro Autana (Autana Mountain)

Is a geological formation located at the western portion of the Guiana Shield in the Estado Amazonas, Venezuela near the Colombian border (approximate coordinates 04°51′33.61″N 67°27′05.51″W). It is characterized by a narrow base, a flat top and almost vertical walls. Its top is at approximately 1220 meters (4003 feet). It belongs to the formations known as tepuis which are characteristic flat-top mountains of the Guiana Shield. Cerro Autana (Wahari-Kuawai ) plays the role of the "tree of life" in the oral history and lore of the Piaroa Indians which inhabit the region.

Natural Monument Stone Turtle

Is a protected natural area located in the municipality Atures, in Amazonas state, Venezuela. It is located approximately 15 km from Puerto Ayacucho, southward. Municipality Atures. Covering 1,950 hectares, in her are settled two indigenous communities Hiwi (Guahiba) and Piaroa.

Laguna de Canaima

Located in the region known as the Gran Sabana, in the protected area called Canaima National Park, Bolivar State southeast of the South American country of Venezuela. Its waters come from up to seven waterfalls and a river, surrounded by views of various tepuis (as Kusari, Kuravaina and Kurun) as well as vegetation. Plus it highlights the different colors of its waters that vary according to the sector.

The Argentière Glacier

The Argentière Glacier is a glacier in the French Alps that is above the village of Argentière. It lies perpendicular to the Chamonix valley and is in the Rhône-Alpes region. Crédit vidéo: redpointmovie / Yannick Boissenot

These are the world's most expensive countries to visit

Travel is expensive. Between flights, hotels, meals, transportation, and the barrage of tourist traps, it is hard to keep to a strict budget when traveling in a different country.  However, it's even harder if you don't do your due diligence.  In the recently published 2015 Travel and Tourism Competitiveness report, the World Economic Forum ranks 141 countries based on how cheap/expensive it is to travel there. This takes into account things like average cost of a flights to and from, average cost of hotel accommodations, cost of living, fuel prices, and purchasing power parity (PPP)*. Knowing the costs of visiting an area can make all the difference between traveling sensibly and hitchhiking back to the airport. Note: Hotel and gas conversions are based on the US dollar and information from the World Bank and are subject to change. PPP is relative to the country's home currency. *An example of PPP: If the PPP in the United States is 1 and the PPP in Poland

INFOGRAPHIC: A world of languages - and how many speak them

We represent each language within black borders and then provide the numbers of native speakers (in millions) by country. The colour of these countries shows how languages have taken root in many different regions. There are at least 7,102 known languages alive in the world today. Twenty-three of these languages are a mother  tongue for more than 50 million people. The 23 languages make up the native tongue of 4.1 billion people. We represent each language within black borders and then provide the numbers of native speakers (in millions)  by country. The colour of these countries shows how languages have taken root in many different regions. Click to view the full-size infographic in high resolution.  

Huge panorama of Mont Blanc is world's biggest ever photograph

It's one of the world's most famous mountains. And now it's the site of the world's biggest ever photograph. Photographers have worked to stitch together a huge picture of Mont Blanc that is by far the most detailed image ever taken, allowing people to pick out individual climbers from thousands of meters away. Users can zoom through the slick website  to find out details for themselves. Or they can pick from some pre-selected ones, like a crane building a huge house on a mountainside or climbers captured mid-journey. The team, led by Italian photographer Filippo Blengini, worked in -10 degrees-centigrade for 35 hours to take the picture, according to their website. During that time they were stuck 3500 metres up. The photo was taken using a Canon 70D SLR camera, fitted with a long 400mm lens that was extended even further. That was attached to a Clauss robotic mount which meant that the camera could automatically move around as it took the photos.

10 Signos de Que te Está Yendo Bien en la Vida

¿Realmente estoy teniendo éxito en la vida? Quizás te has hecho esta pregunta alguna vez, la verdad es que para poder responderla primero debemos pensar en qué es el éxito… Estas son las 10 señales que revelan que realmente estás teniendo éxito en la vida para que valores tu día a día y tus logros.   1. No tienes miedo a pedir ayuda   Pedir ayuda no es para nada una debilidad, aunque muchos no lo crean, es una fortaleza. Para crecer como personas debemos aceptar que no lo sabemos todo y que no hay nada de malo en ello. 2. Tú pones tus normas   Entiendes que cada persona ha de ser consecuente con sus actos y, por lo tanto, tú lo eres. Has vivido lo suficiente para saber que quieres en tu vida y qué no y vives de acuerdo con ello. 3. Te alejas de las cosas que te hacen daño   El amor propio es una clave del éxito. Tenerte el respeto y estima suficiente como para decir NO a las cosas que te hacen daño, te debilitan y no te dejan llegar donde quieres es un

Day 2

Five min warmup walk, then two repetitions of jog 3min, walk for 90secs, jog for 5min, walk for 2.5min, jog 3min, walk for 90secs, jog 5min. Five min cooldown walk.

How to Get 100GB extra for free now on OneDrive.

Extra 100GB  free for two years, but worth it. How to get them?  Just go to this  home page , type in the email and password of your account Microsoft and ready. 100 extra GB adde d to OneDrive.

WATCH: Runner Crawls to Austin Marathon Finish, Places Third

Hyvon Ngetich of Kenya appeared to be headed to an overwhelming victory at the Austin Marathon when she was suddenly running on empty, and then she wasn’t running at all. In the final 50 meters of Sunday’s race, Ngetich dropped to her hands and knees and began crawling to the finish line, so depleted that she came to a complete halt more than once during her crawl. Marathon personnel hovered behind her with a wheelchair to provide Ngetich with assistance, but she persisted and crossed the line in 3:04:02, still good for third place. “I was like winning, you know. I was 500 [meters] in front. I looked back and I didn't see anybody," Ngetich said in a report carried by KTBC and other media outlets. “For the last two kilometers, I don't remember," added the Kenyan, who won the 2011 Santiago Marathon in Chile in 2:34:42. One woman on a bicycle told her she was nearly at the finish “so I was just like going because I’m almost” done, said Ngetich. Austin Marathon

Garmin fēnix® 3

fēnix 3 is the uncompromising GPS sport watch designed for demanding athletes and outdoor adventurers. It is powered by GPS and GLONASS via the new steel EXO antenna and a brilliant colour display. Fēnix 3 comes packed with multi-sport training, trail running and navigation. It introduces a tough athletic design with quality materials and smart features like Connect IQ Apps. Uncompromising GPS Sport Watch Stainless Steel EXO™ antenna with GPS + GLONASS support for fast fix and accuracy 3.1 cm (1.2-inch) sunlight readable colour Chroma™ display Altimeter, barometer and 3-axis compass with auto calibration Support of a broad selection of sports and activities with dedicated user profiles like trail running, swimming, hiking, skiing and more Advanced fitness training features including VO2 Max and Recovery Advisor and classic Garmin navigation features like TracBack Smart features like Smart Notification and Connect IQ™ App support for further customisation.